About AlamoPROMISE

The AlamoPROMISE eliminates financial barriers to higher education, making a college degree a reality.

A Well-Educated Workforce is the Key to a Prosperous Bexar County Community

The Alamo Colleges District and its partners are committed to ending poverty, 通过联合起来帮助更多的学生完成大学学业并获得获得高工资所需的技能,增强经济和社会流动性,满足本市的劳动力需求, high-demand jobs.

Through AlamoPROMISE, 澳门新葡京博彩区正在努力确保所有当地学生都能接受教育,为圣安东尼奥地区符合条件的毕业生提供长达三年的学费和强制性费用.


AlamoPROMISE featured on PBS NewsHour

AlamoPROMISE was featured prominently on the nationwide news program PBS NewsHour.

Read the Story


AlamoPROMISE Highlights

graduation cap and diploma white thin line icon

Over 9,000

PROMISE Scholars Served across three academic years


science and beaker white thin line icon

Over 1/3

of PROMISE Scholars pursue STEM fields

backpack white thin line icon

Over 90%

of PROMISE Scholars are students of color

Frequently Asked Questions

What is AlamoPROMISE?

Alamo PROMISE与当地政府和社区合作伙伴合作,为计划获得副学士学位的合格学生提供社区大学学费和强制性费用, certification, courses for transfer or workforce training.

Alamo PROMISE is more than a new program of the Alamo Colleges District, it is a community-wide initiative. 


Who is eligible for AlamoPROMISE?

AlamoPROMISE is open to students from public, private, charter and home school programs in Bexar County. 从贝尔县高中毕业和/或居住在贝尔县的学生有资格成为阿拉莫承诺奖学金获得者.

To enroll as an AlamoPROMISE Scholar in Fall 2024, students must be high school seniors who graduated in the 2023-2024 academic year. 

To be eligible, students must:

  • Apply for admission to one of the Alamo Colleges at applytexas.org 
  • 提交免费的联邦学生援助申请或德克萨斯州财政援助申请,并列出至少一所澳门新葡京博彩区学院 
  • Complete any documents required to process a financial aid award
  • 在澳门新葡京博彩之一完成注册,在高中毕业后立即参加秋季学期
  • Enroll in the fall semester immediately following high school graduation
  • Maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), which includes three components:
    • 1) Minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0.
    • 2) Completion rate of 66.66% cumulative rate between hours attempted and hours completed.
    • 3)最大学时:副学士学位不超过99学时(不包括20学时的补习课程),学士学位不超过180学时(不包括30学时的补习课程).
    • For more information on SAP, visit Maintaining Your Eligibility on the District financial aid page for more information.


  • Follow Course in Program of Study (CPOS) requirements. CPOS是一项联邦要求,说明在计算你的联邦财政援助资格时,只有那些计入你的学位或证书的课程才能被考虑.  此外,AlamoPROMISE不包括您学习计划之外的课程.

View List of Participating High Schools

When did the program begin?


How is the program being funded?

AlamoPROMISE is both privately and publicly funded.

The generous support of our community makes this program possible. We want to encourage your continued investment in Bexar County area students.

Give to AlamoPROMISE Today

Why does the community need AlamoPROMISE?

社区一致认为,高中以上的教育对于为居民提供经济和社会流动性至关重要, 经济障碍是阻碍居民入学或完成大学教育的最大因素.

澳门新葡京博彩区领导认为,阿拉莫承诺提供了一种策略来解决这一现实,以及圣安东尼奥是全国经济增长最快的地区之一的事实, 然而,在美国最大的25个州中,贫困人口比例排名第二.S. metro areas.

Are there successful program like this in other major cities?

Yes. The Dallas County Community College District has a successful Promise program, and there are 242 such programs making a difference across the country.


Student FAQs

Who can participate in PROMISE?

AlamoPROMISE is open to students from public, private, charter and home school programs in Bexar County. 从贝尔县高中毕业和/或居住在贝尔县的学生有资格成为阿拉莫承诺奖学金获得者.


有兴趣成为AlamoPROMISE学者的学生必须在申请截止日期前被考虑参加该计划. 对于想要成为AlamoPROMISE一部分的学生,需要满足以下步骤:

  • Submit your Admission Application through Apply Texas
  • Submit your FAFSA or TASFA and complete requirements

Alamo Colleges FAFSA School Codes:

NLC 042636  

NVC 033723  

PAC 016615  

SAC 009163  

SPC 003608

AlamoPROMISE is not available to:

  • 居住在贝尔县以外的学生(除非他们毕业于贝尔县内的高中)
  • Transfer students
  • 在秋季学期之前在其他高等教育机构注册的学生
  • 未在高中毕业后的秋季学期入学的学生

AlamoPROMISE项目办公室可以通过以下网址解决有关AlamoPROMISE参与的任何问题 promise@licitou.com.  不符合AlamoPROMISE参与标准的学生可以通过Alamo学院区获得过渡到大学的帮助 College Connection Team.  


No, 收入水平或毕业平均绩点(GPA)/班级排名不是AlamoPROMISE资格要求的一部分. Seniors from participating high schools can become AlamoPROMISE Scholars.

How long can a student participate in AlamoPROMISE?

AlamoPROMISE涵盖了Alamo学院区五所学院中任何一所的学费和所需费用,为期三年(连续六个学期,秋季和春季学期)或完成副学士学位或学术证书, whichever comes first.

What does AlamoPROMISE cover?

After the financial aid award has been applied, AlamoPROMISE last-dollar funding covers the remaining costs of tuition and required fees. You may view the Cost of attendance breakdown, here.

AlamoPROMISE只涵盖学生课程计划(CPOS)的一部分课程。. CPOS是一项联邦要求,规定在计算学生的联邦财政援助资格时,只有那些计入学位或证书的课程才能被考虑. Due to this requirement, if a student takes courses not on their official degree plan, 这可能导致学生获得的联邦财政援助减少,并不得不自掏腰包支付课程费用. Visit here for more CPOS information.

AlamoPROMISE does not pay for other college-going expenses, including but not limited to technology equipment, transportation, and housing. Note that textbook rentals covered by tuition, laptop rentals and VIA bus passes are available to enrolled students. 

What is “last-dollar” funding?

AlamoPROMISE是一个最后一美元资助项目,考虑学生有资格获得的第一个联邦和州财政援助奖, such as a federal Pell Grant.  每个学生获得的“最后一美元”AlamoPROMISE资助金额将根据学生符合条件的个人经济援助奖励而有所不同. 

What does a student need to do to maintain AlamoPROMISE scholar status?
  • AlamoPROMISE学者必须满足支持成功完成大学学业的关键标准. AlamoPROMISE强烈鼓励学生在秋季和春季学期完成至少18个学分(每学期9个小时)。.

  • AlamoPROMISE学者必须连续注册最多六个秋季和春季学期(不包括夏季)。. AlamoPROMISE students may take classes during the Summer; however, other sources of funding such as Summer Momentum Program, 奖学金或其他援助将需要使用,因为AlamoPROMISE最后一美元资金不适用于夏季学期. For more information related to scholarships view the Student Scholarships page.
  • AlamoPROMISE Scholars must remain in Satisfactory Academic Progress(SAP).
    • Note: The Alamo Colleges District checks SAP every year after Spring grades are posted. This includes maintaining a 2.0 cumulative grade point average.
  • AlamoPROMISE Scholars must maintain Financial Aid eligibility.
  • AlamoPROMISE Scholars must pursue Courses in their Program of Study (CPOS) in order to follow federal requirements. 学生应该总是参考他们的官方学位计划和课程目录,以确定哪些课程计入他们的学位. For specific questions about what counts toward their degree, Scholars may contact their academic advisor.

  • 完成由AlamoPROMISE项目办公室通过官方学生ACES电子邮件帐户传达的任何其他项目要求.

AlamoPROMISE学者不符合维持AlamoPROMISE学者身份所需的要求,其AlamoPROMISE可能会被撤销. 任何关于AlamoPROMISE学者身份变化的通知将由AlamoPROMISE项目办公室发送到官方学生ACES电子邮件帐户.

Please note that if there are concerns about meeting any requirements, 学生应该与他们的认证学术顾问一起工作,以获得例外考虑和持续成功的计划. The AlamoPROMISE Program Office is also available to assist with any questions at promise@licitou.com.


Yes, AlamoPROMISE学生需要完成经济援助验证和/或在提交TASFA的FAFSA后要求的任何其他必要的财务文件. 请注意,每年必须完成FAFSA/TASFA和任何要求的文件,以保持AlamoPROMISE学者身份.

任何要求的文件都是财政援助完成过程的一部分,需要确定学生的财政援助资格和最后一美元资金. 在财政援助文件完成之前,财政援助奖和AlamoPROMISE最后一美元资金不能发放.

Verification 学生经济援助办公室是否有一个审查过程来确定学生和/或家长在提交的FAFSA文件中报告的各种数据元素的准确性. The U.S. Department of Education selects approximately 30% of all aid applicants for verification. 验证过程确保学生获得他们有权获得的所有经济援助. 被选中的学生需要在确定财政援助资格之前完成验证过程.  

Any outstanding financial aid documents will be requested through the student portal, ACES

Steps to complete Verification:

  • Log into ACES
  • 检查“我的页面”的“经济援助清单”部分,以了解未满足的经济援助要求
  • 完成所有要求的PDF /DocuSign/其他文件,并按照提供的说明提交:         
    • 您也可能会被要求遵循一个URL链接到ProVerifier+学生门户网站,并与您的alamo注册.edu email address.
    • If directed to the ProVerifier+ student portal, make sure to check and complete all document requests in both the ProVerifier+ ANDyour ACES student portals. 澳门新葡京博彩区正在使用ProVerifier+系统来帮助您完成验证过程. 自动ProVerifier+系统代表您和/或您的父母直接与IRS沟通,以获取IRS的正式税务记录, 节省大量的时间和精力,并确保正确的文件为正确的年份被要求. 您和/或您的父母只需要以电子方式填写和设计IRS表格4506-T/C表格和验证工作表- ProVerifier+将完成其余工作!

For help with any Financial Aid documents, please email promise_finaid@licitou.com or call 210-212-5266.

If you have any concerns about Financial Aid and AlamoPROMISE Scholar Status, the AlamoPROMISE Program Office is also available to address questions at promise@licitou.com.  

Will AlamoPROMISE scholars be dropped from classes?

如果学生的经济援助不完整,与学费和所需费用相关的未偿余额可能会被退学. 继续AlamoPROMISE应不迟于5月1日提交经济援助申请,以避免被退学.

Additionally, 学生可能会因注册学习计划(CPOS)以外的课程而产生余额。. 学生应与他们的学术顾问会面,审查他们的课程安排,并根据需要进行调整.

与AlamoPROMISE未涵盖的费用相关的未偿余额的学生应联系 Student Business Office for payment plan options. Alternate funding sources are also available through internal scholarships or emergency aid

What other types of resources are available to students at the Alamo Colleges?

参加澳门新葡京博彩区五所学院之一的学生可以获得不同类型的资源来帮助你取得成功. Some resources include: Laptop and Wi-Fi Hotspot check-out, student emergency aid, student food support from the San Antonio Food Bank, Housing and Rental Assistance programs, mental health counseling and other referrals for public assistance. 


Steering Committee as for Spring 2023

Dr. Mike Flores
Chancellor, Alamo Colleges District

Mayor Ron Nirenberg
City of San Antonio

Kate Rogers
Executive Director, Alamo Trust, Inc.

Dr. Jeff Goldhorn
Executive Director, Education Service Center Region 20

Romanita Matta-Barrera
Chief Workforce Officer, Greater: SATX

Peter J. Holt
Chief Executive Officer, HOLT CAT

Dr. Milton "Rob" Fields III
Superintendent - Interim, Judson ISD

Dr. Brian Woods
Superintendent, Northside ISD

Dave Petersen
President & CEO - Interim, San Antonio Chamber of Commerce

Ana Acevedo
Executive Director, San Antonio Education Partnership

Dr. Jaime Aquino 
Superintendent, San Antonio ISD

Dr. Jeanette Ball
Superintendent, Southwest ISD

Dr. Linda Schott
President - Interim, Texas A&M University – San Antonio

Dr. Taylor Eighmy
President, The University of Texas at San Antonio

Kevin Voelkel
President, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Texas

Dr. Ryan Lugalia-Hollon
Executive Director, UP Partnership


Stephanie Vasquez,
Chief Program Officer

Nicolas “Nick” Silva,
Director of Student Support

Dolores Zapata-Caballero,
Director of Operations




The AlamoPROMISE is powered by school districts, colleges and universities, employers, 社区组织联合起来支持学生完成高中以上的教育, launching their careers, and being included in the economic success of our region.

Together, 我们相信每个学生的潜力,相信我们的社区有责任改变专为排他性而不是准入而设计的系统——这个系统充满了障碍,对贫困学生和有色人种学生的影响不成比例.

每个AlamoPROMISE合作伙伴都有一个独特的作用,在支持学生通过他们的教育和经济旅程的每个阶段. 我们很自豪地认识到他们的贡献,我们邀请我们社区的其他人加入我们的工作.

Contact Us

For general inquiries related to PROMISE, e-mail promise@licitou.com.