常见问题- FAQ


双学分课程提供各种学科领域,包括数学, 科学, 英语, 经济学, 历史, 政府和各种各样的技术课程.

大学或高中开设双学分课程. Courses are taught by college faculty or by qualified high school instructors who meet the same criteria as college faculty.


Dual Credit offers motivated high school students the opportunity to earn college and high school credit simultaneously.

作为双学分学生,你可以:节省大学学费. 更快完成大学学业. 享受更轻松地过渡到大学水平的课程和大学生活.


A dual credit student can take a maximum of 14 dual credit courses throughout high school. 这与早期大学高中(ECHS)的学生不同, 谁可以完成最多60小时的副学士学位. 然而, 东北湖景学院 recommends that students not take more than 4 courses (12-13 hours) per semester. 这可能因高中和课程类型而异.



Students may verify the transferability of credit by asking the target university if they will accept 东北湖景学院 college-level courses in transfer. While many private and out-of-state institutions accept our college-level courses in transfer, students are advised to confirm transferability with the private or out-of-state institution. Students can also discuss transferability with their assigned 高中课程 Certified Advisor.


双学分学生不能获得经济援助. Students must earn a high school diploma or GED to be eligible for financial aid.

什么是FERPA ?谁是符合资格的学生?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents or designees the right to have access to a student’s education records, 要求修改记录的权利, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student (“eligible student”). An “eligible student” means a student who has reached the age of 18 or who is attending a postsecondary institution at any age. 一旦学生成为“合格学生”,他或她的父母在FERPA下享有的权利转移给该学生. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 缴送工作FERPA 页面.


公共/私人/租船: 如果你对双学分课程感兴趣, 向你的高中辅导员咨询入学步骤和课程

自主学习: 如果你对双学分课程感兴趣,你可以参考 双学分家庭学校清单



  • 9 .就读于参与计划的高中、私立学校、特许学校或家庭学校th-12th 级). 入学时间因高中而异.
  • 向你的高中辅导员或指定人员表达兴趣
  • Complete all necessary enrollment steps with both the high school and 东北湖景学院

公共/私人/租船 A 高中课程 Coordinator and Certified Advisor will work 关闭ly with your high school Dual Credit Coordinator, 辅导员, 或者高中指定人员帮你注册双学分课程. 双学分学生不能自行注册.

自主学习: Continuing Dual Credit Homeschool students will complete the Online Course selection form provided by your assigned Certified Advisor. New Dual Credit Homeschool students will select their courses upon completion of New Student Onboarding. 双学分家庭学校学生不自行注册. 


Dual Credit classes are conveniently held on the high school campus of our partner high school or at our 东北湖景学院 campus. Instructional methods can be face-to-face or fully distance (online) and can vary by partner high schools.


双学分学生免收学杂费. 很多时候,学区会收取双学分学生的学费. 家庭学校的双学分学生每门课程的费用较低.


教科书和/或教学材料的费用由学区支付. 在家学习的双学分学生包括在AlamoBOOKS+项目中.


请访问 NLC记录和成绩单 提交选项页面

注意: Homeschool transcripts must include graduation date and notary to be considered official


这两个 现在和以前的学生 可以通过 ace. 然而, NLC must first receive the dual credit student's final high school transcript before releasing the dual credit transcript

  • 当前的学生 可以在“学生”页面的左上角访问web服务吗.
    Web服务 > 学生选项卡 > 学生记录 > 索取正式成绩单
  • 以前的学生 可以在“主页”的左下角访问网络服务吗.
    Web服务 > 学生选项卡 > 学生记录 > 索取正式成绩单

成绩单不在学校打印. All transcripts are printed and mailed from an off-site location after a request is made. 因此,不可能亲自领取成绩单.


我是一名高中毕业生,在高中时获得了双学分. 我怎样才能转变为第一次上大学的学生?

Dual credit seniors interested in continuing with the 澳门新葡京博彩区 do not need to complete a new admissions application via 应用Texas. You may update your admissions status from dual credit to First Time in 大学 by logging in to ace and following these steps:

  • 点击“学生”,然后点击“网络服务”
  • 点击“学生”,然后点击“学生记录”
  • 点击并填写“高中课程更改报名表”

要找到您的认证顾问,请访问 NLC学术指导 页面.